Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Days 5 and 6: Fauna and Land Management Days

Hello everyone and thanks for following our field course blog!  The class spent Day 5 focusing on Wildlife/Fauna in Cockscomb. Everyone was up at 5:30 a.m. for coffee and mist netting on a nearby trail, then a lecture on population ecology from Dr. Sarah Corey-Rivas and Jesus Rivas. Later, wildlife ecology trail hikes were followed up by an evening stream survey (amphibian survey), night time insect collections (via black light/white sheet set up nearby) and then checking the camera traps to see if any tapirs or cats were captured on camera. They are getting a great look at Fauna in the Cockscomb!
NOTE: Our chefs - former park manager of the Cockscomb, Mr. Ernesto Saqui and his wife Aurora, a Maya healer, saw a juvenile jaguar crossing the road 3-4 miles from the dorm on their drive back from breakfast day 5.  We hope the camera traps will show some interesting footage of wildlife - hopefully the jaguar :) !

Today - Day 6:  The class will be touring nearby areas and villages to learn about different levels and types of land management. They will be visiting a banana plantation, a shrimp farm, a Maya farm (corn and/or cacao), and receiving a lunch and presentation at the Saqui's guest house/restaurant in Maya Center village (which is about 6 miles outside of Cockscomb reserve dorms and visitor center).  
Note: We'll try to post another update tomorrow night (late) depending on internet availability. Otherwise, Friday afternoon we'll post an update from Southwater caye located about 12 miles offshore from Dangriga town. 

Here are some students entries from yesterday: 

RENE: Yesterday I saw a Morpho Butterfly, I never dreamed of seeing it in real life! I am enjoying every day! The water fall from yesterday was amazing! And the scenic view was indescribably beauty full view, I was lucky to be in this trip=)

BEN G: Hey guys I hope you found out how to check the blog! Everything is going well here im eating well and really enjoying the rainforest! Youre going to love all the pictures we’ve got! I have been writing everything down so I can share with you when I get back! Miss you guys take care love you guys!

RUBY: Para la familia de Ruby: Hola! Necesito que alguien, (Joshua, Mariangel) le diga a mami que llego el domingo a las 10:40 de la noche!!!! No de la mañana.  Estoy bien, muy cansada y ya quiero volver.

SHARLEEN: For Sharleen’s family and friends: Holaa! Espero que se encuentren  bien. Estoy muy bien gracias a Dios. Me hacen mucha falta. Estoy loca por verlos y abrazarlos.  Estoy disfrutando mucho del bosque donde nos estamos quedando. Tan pronto regrese les tengo que contar tantas cosas. Un besote a todos y todas, Sharleen M.

JOSE: RIVERA: Bendición, todo esta bien por acá no hay mucho que decir por que ya hablamos todo ayer. Anoche estuvo todo tranquilo y de la actividad del sábado en la universidad si pueden den la vuelta para alla el que pueda por que en Mayagüez hay pocas veces que se da esa actividad. Cuando termine recoge el certificado lo mas probable que el que los da sea Sharon Bado o Antonia las orientadoras del departamento. Y les explicas por que no estoy por ahí. También si esta por ahí el Prof. Raul Zapata le envías saludos de mi parte. Acuerdate que la actividad es en el edificio Stefani de la universidad. Bendicion saludos y nos veremos bye! 

1 comment:

  1. Sharleen, princesa, espero que la pases bien hoy. Yo tambien estoy loco por verte. Jehova te bendiga. Te amo. Me alegro que estes bien.
